Long-Term Disability
Short-Term Disability
Social Security Disability
Supplemental Security Income Disability
Disability Cessation
Overpayment of Benefits
Disabling Impairments
Chronic Diseases
Musculoskeletal Injuries
Psychiatric Impairments
Social Security
Supplemental Security Income
Long Term Disability
About Disabling Impairments
Injuries and Related Illnesses
Chronic Diseases
Psychiatric Impairments
Disability in Children
Long-Term Disability Benefits
Long-Term Disability (LTD) benefits are cash payments made to you if you are unable to work due to an illness or injury. These benefits are usually provided through a Plan purchased by your employer.
Short-Term Disability Benefits
Short-term disability (STD) benefits are also cash payments made to you if you are temporarily unable to work due to an illness or injury. These benefits are usually provided through a Plan purchased by your employer. Qualifying for these benefits may also be a pre-requisite for qualifying for LTD benefits.
Social Security Disability Benefits
Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits are awarded under the Social Security Act. Generally, SSA benefits are available to you if you are not currently working, in any capacity, have a work history whereby you have acquired sufficient quarters of coverage, and can show that you meet the SSA requirements for disability.
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Supplemental Security Income Disability Benefits
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits are cash payments made to you for your basic needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter, if you are verifiably disabled and meet the income/resource requirements of SSA.
Child Disability Benefits
Child disability benefits are available to a child under the age of 18, whose parents/legal guardians meet the household income and resource requirements of SSA, and meet the SSA's definition of a disabled child. Disabled Adult Child disability benefits are also available where the disability is established prior to age 22 and parents meet SSA qualifications for availability of benefits.
Disability Cessation
The Social Security Administration may decide to stop your disability benefits if you make too much money or have too many assets, you are no longer disabled, you have turned 18 years of age, or you have been institutionalized or incarcerated. These are some of the reasons why the Social Security Administration may determine that you are no longer eligible for SSI benefits.
Overpayment of Benefits
The Social Security Administration can decide that you have been paid more than you were due and request a reimbursement of the overpayment amount. We can help challenge the determination of overpayment, reduce the amount of overpayment, and request a waiver of recovery of overpayment.